You guessed it, thats our Orion! He is new to Lavender Pond Farm this season but has definitely made it his personal stalking grounds. Although we've never actually seen him catch anything he does walk tall and proud for all to see.
Orion came to us through unusual circumstances. Linda, wearer of many hats at LPF, saw a Facebook post about a kitty who needed a special place to live. He has been dumped at a feral colony and beat up so bad that he left the colony and found a safe place nearby on a nice ladies patio. She cared for him letting him in the house when he chose to get a snuggle or some shut eye but spending most of his time outside on the patio. Sadly this nice lady who had cared for him so lovingly until he was roughly about one year old, was moving out of the country and couldn't take him.
He was in a unique situation having been neutered and with his ear clipped to be returned to the feral colony. He wasn't really feral but definitely wanted to be an outdoor/indoor kitty able to choose how and where he spends his day.
Linda read his story and knew Lavender Pond Farm was the perfect place for him. Messages went back and forth. Calls were made and just a few days later Orion became a forever member of the LPF family!
Well all love him. He's a special boy. If you see him feel free to say hi and give him a little pet but remember while sweet, he can be a little spicy too!
Oh! We almost forgot! We wanted him to feel right at home, so we made him his own special collection of Pillows & Sachets. Be sure to check out his Orion Kitty Collection, we would say it has been quite a hit!